WORLD China and India seek a peaceful solution to the conflict is Ukraine || China || India

In 2022, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang visited his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba at the UNSC for their first talks since the war began. China and India have urged a peaceful resolution to the Ukrainian conflict at the UN, but they have been unable to win Russia's enthusiastic backing. Following a week of campaigning at the UN General Assembly, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday lambasted Western nations for their "grotesque" campaign against the Russians. But not even China, which pledged to form a "unbreakable" alliance only days before President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine in February, has sided with Russia.
Russian and Ukrainian officials were urged to "avoid the issue from spilling over" and harming emerging nations, according to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. "China backs all initiatives in favour of a peaceful conclusion to the Ukrainian conflict. Facilitating peace discussions is a top goal, according to Wang. Addressing the genuine security issues of all stakeholders and creating a balanced, efficient, and long-lasting cybersecurity strategy are the basic solutions. Wang had his first conversations with Dmytro Kuleba, the foreign minister of Ukraine, since the war was started, at the UN. Earlier this month, during such meeting with his leader Xi Jinping, Putin acknowledged China's "concerns" over Ukraine. India and the United States have a loving connection, in contrast to China, but also share recent evidence. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, the foreign minister of India, remarked, "We are frequently asked the side we are on while the situation in Ukraine continues. Every time, we respond honestly and directly. India is fully committed to being on the face of peace, he said. We support the position that communication and diplomacy are the only viable choices.

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